Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Taylor enjoy day out at Notre Dame Kick Off

Taylor Swift with her new BFF, Selena Gomez going out to cheer out her little brother team in Indiana for a Notre Dame kick off football game.. Both of them surely give the team a luck after they won the game..

Taylor Swift also come to the kick off with her mom and her little brother who is a freshman in the school.. Taylor also bought two bodyguard to make sure nothing bad will happen because of course you know she is superstar and all teenager crazy about she..

They said Taylor requested to sit with her brother Austin, who is a freshman at the school, in the student section.. But Notre Dame officials knew better and allowed her to watch the game from the sideline with Selena, who is enrolled at nearby Northwestern University..

Taylor Swift is so happy about the crowd but Selena Gomez and her brother Austin is not that excited about that crowd.. Her brother looked embarrassed and Selena was smiling while trying to hide under her baseball hat and hurry out..

After the game, Taylor Swift asking Selena and Austin to a local restaurant.. "She had dinner after the game in a corner booth with two bodyguards blocking off the table at Rocco's in South Bend".. My source tell me..

"Taylor, Selena and Taylor's brother were quickly escorted out between the two bodyguards to an awaiting car, once their meal was over.." And then my source then continued.. "One excited fan shouted, 'I love you Taylor.' And Taylor, as sweet and sincere as ever, turned around and said, 'Aw, thank you!' "

Well.. That's Taylor Swift we know and love.. And that's one of the reason why we choose she has a role model for us.. Right?? I hope she will be like this.. Because that's the reason why we love she.. She always treat us right and love us as much as we loves she..