Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Taylor Swift nightmare

20th May 2010.. Taylor Swift concerts at Ottawa.. Taylor must forget that night and that concert.. Not because she perform the worse concert ever or something like that.. The concert witness the embarrassing moment ever for Taylor Swift not include when she humiliated by Kanye West last year..

Taylor Swift perform her Forever & Always song in that concert when she accidently fall in the stage witness by thousand of her fans and that video now is in You Tube.. I will post it here so you can see that embarrassing moment, but don't show it to Taylor Swift hater.. I begging you.. Talking abut forever & always song, I have something to tell you..

Joe Jonas such a jerk.. He not mature and her acting is like a kid.. He also such a coward.. After dump Taylor Swift so badly by 27 second phone call, now he make it to Taylor friends, Demi Lovato.. Joe break up with Demi over the phone but thank god Demi not find a revenge.. And there still friends not like Taylor situation 2 years ago..

Taylor really2 hate Joe and they now looks like friend but not so close after almost 2 years fighting.. See Taylor always right about Joe.. Taylor deserve more great guy than that Joe.. And I hope Joe never fine happiness.. For Taylor I hope she find a great guy on this world to call boyfriend, fiancee or husband..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Taylor scores two BMI Award

After have a lunch date with Taylor Lautner.. Taylor Swift scores two BMI Pop Music Awards.. The country music singer was handed a kudo for Song of the Year, thanks to her hit single "Love Story".. This achievement made her the youngest writer ever to win the coveted prize..

"I just really like to write songs about boys," Swift said during her acceptance speech in front of the crowd packed into the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.. She described the self-penned track "the one epic teenage tantrum" she ever threw in her life.. She added, "So thanks for rewarding that behavior.."

Taylor Swift also won Most Performed Pop Song for 'You Belong With Me'.. Before this Taylor have won 8 BMI Award, one in 2007, two in 2008 and five in 2009.. So with another 2 win in 2010, it make Taylor Swift already won 10 BMI Pop Music Award!! And she just 20 years old!!

So congrats Taylor Swift.. Here some Taylor Swift picture at BMI Pop Music Award at LA.. Also I post her video when she accept the award and her funny speech..

Swift and Lautner back together ??

Taylor Lautner looks like get back Taylor Swift heart like what he promise.. The new story I found is they been see together having a lunch actually lunch date at California.. If last month I say Taylor go have a lunch with Lautner with her mom too.. This time they only alone and with both bodyguard..

Even they bought two bodyguard alongside them.. They still can stop and take a picture or sign a signature with their fans.. They are so nice.. Ahh.. I wish I there.. So I can have a picture with Taylor Swift and Lautner and the same time have Swift to sign her CD for me..

If it true it's looks like she got her mom green light to dating with 3 years younger boy than she.. They cute together but I think they better be just friends or just sister and brother.. But I guess Lautner is more mature that his age.. So why not.. At least Lautner not broken Swift heart badly like what Joe does..

But the thing I bit suspicious is the day they have a 'lunch date' their movie, Valentine's Day release the DVD of the movie.. You get it what I'm trying to say?? Alright of you don't get it.. I refresh your memories..

Remember the first time they been rumored as a couple is back when they start acting together at Valentine's day the movie.. After that they been see so much time together.. Lunch, dinner, hang up and Lautner go to her concerts and so much more.. I guess you get it now..

Friday, May 14, 2010

3 CMT nomination for Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift got 3 nomination at 2010 CMT Award.. I will list it here but before that last year Taylor dominate the award with won 5 awards from her 5 nomination.. Can she repeated that again?? It will be a little bit tough especially when she just lost all her nomination at ACM Award last month to the same rival she will face next month..

VMA Music Video of The Year, You Belong With Me will give another try to beat Carrie Underwood again in CMT Award after lost at ACM Award last month.. It nominee for Video of The Year and Female Video of The Year..

But Taylor Swift have a great chance to win Collaborative Video of the Year with her 'big sister' Kellie Pickler for The Best Day of Your Life music video.. I hope she can won at least one award for this year CMT Award.. But if she not, she still the best for all of her fans.. That most important..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Taylor goes to Hall of Fame

Taylor Swift who tweet to her twitter saying that she aware that she may have a new job lately with always eating cheerios will be honored with her name will be at Songwriters Hall of Fame.. She just have two albums and another comes late this year but it doesn't make she can't qualified for it..

She gain it because she give a major impact to all of her fans and almost everybody in this world with her original song about her life, boy and another things that happen to she and every girls in this world.. So congrats Taylor.. You deserves it..

On another story, her friends Ellen Degeneres, talk with Cory Montieth recently on her show.. She talking about the prospect he and Taylor could make if they are couple..

Ellen : Are you and Taylor Swift is couple??

Cory : No, we're just friends..... She's lovely..

Ellen : She is lovely, and you're lovely.... Two lovely people......

Enjoy the conversation between Ellen and Cory in this video..

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Taylor Swift double life

Taylor Swift have a double life?? Yes that what Taylor thinks she are.. She admits sometimes she thinks that she have a double life.. "Sometimes I feel like I lead a double life.. One minute I'll be negotiating a contract and the next I'll be at home with my friends.. It's always been like that, even at school.. I went to class, studied for tests and had crushes on boys, and then after school I'd go downtown to Music Row in Nashville and write songs.."

Taylor also admits that she struggles to maintain her normal life alogside with her stardom life.. But that not make Taylor's is so much stress.. And I believe that she can take care all of pressure easily and not involved with drug or somethings like that..

"I do have days where I just don't want to get out of bed because there's so much to do but they don't happen very often.. The pressure never really gets to me.. I've always loved there being a little bit of pressure on me to succeed.. I thrive on that.."

Friday, May 7, 2010

Taylor just so lucky

Taylor Swift homeland, Nashville is been flood!! It was the bad storm ever happen at Nashville.. But Taylor Swift just so lucky that her house (actually her parents house) is safe.. Not like Keith Urban where his thing damage because of the flood.. Taylor's now at New York but her heart still at Nashville..

Abut 21 people dead because of the storm.. And Taylor who have profit about $17.2 million just for last year, donated $500,000 toward flood relief.. She is so kind.. Really.. Last year in her 20th birthday, she donated I believe about 250 thousands dolars to the US education system to help fund school programs, buy books and pay teacher salaries..

""Being at home during the storm, I honestly could not believe what was happening to the city and the people I love so dearly.. Nashville is my home, and the reason why I get to do what I love.. I have always been proud to be a Nashvillian, but especially now, seeing the love that runs through this city when there are people in crisis.."

Taylor maybe born in Wyomissing, Pennysylvania.. But she move to Nashville when she 14 years old to get a better chance to show her true talent.. (I will tell you the whole story another day).. But it doesn't make she don't love Nashville.. She tweeted on her twitter this..

'Please keep Nashville in your heart.. Seeing a picture of the Grande Ole Opry halfway underwater was a kind of heartbreak I can't describe..' Right now Taylor's spend her day off at New York City after Nashville is been flooded.. But in 6 May she will be at Iowa for her next 2010 Fearless Tour Concerts..

But before that I believe that she will be apart of Ke$ha concert for raise a money for flood victims in Nashville.. I believe that the repair just took about $1 billions.. So with a couple of singer who live at Nashville help with a little donation.. The concert is trying to help raise more money for flood victims..

I hope they get all the money they can to help flood victims in Nashville.. For everyone who live at United States please help them with buy a bunch of tickets for that concert.. Not just for enjoyment but for a little help for our friends at Nashville..

Monday, May 3, 2010

Taylor's school moment's

Taylor Swift talking with me about her story life of her school story before she so famous now.. Maybe you cannot believe it.. But it a true story.. She really not popular like she popular now..

"In middle school and junior high, all my friends ditched me, so I was really lonely.. I was doing different things at the weekend and I wasn't part of the gang any more.. I just wanted to play shows and I think it got really irritating to them.."

"It's weird, I thought I'd have so many more friends now but I feel like I'm less popular than I've ever been.. My best friend is Abigail and we've been friends since I was 15.."

She also admits that she not so popular with the guy.. "I've never really been popular with the boys.. I had my first boyfriend when I was 15 and we dated each other for about a year, then I was perpetually single after that.."She wrote about her first boyfriend on her first single, Tim McGraw..