Sunday, March 14, 2010

Joe really deserves it

Joe Jonas really deserves what Taylor Swift give to he when they break up.. A song and more song coming soon.. Because she must prove that Joe is a playboy despite so handsome, gentleman and charming.. Warn to every girl in this world about what truely is Joe..

Taylor Swift admits that Joe cheat she when they still together.. Joe was said date with ex-girlfriend of Robert Pattison, Camilla Belle a couple of month before he and Taylor break up.. Taylor actually know that Joe actually cheat she before Joe break up with she in 27 second phone call..

After they break up.. Officially Joe date with Camilla.. And then they break up when Taylor still single.. When Taylor date Taylor Lautner he date with her co-actress in Jonas TV series Chelsea Staub.. And then both of them break up..

And then come a rumours that Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas (Jaylor) back in early of February after being caught hugging in Pre-Grammy.. Everyone very hope they get together even me.. But now I think Taylor should never ever back with Joe because ones he cheat always a cheater.. And Taylor deserves more great gut than he because he is a playboy..

She really should warn her friends Demi Lovato who been linked with Joe as soon as she can.. But wait.........................................................................

She to late for that because it been confirmed by Joe accidently admits that he and Demi is dating.. So here it's come the Jemi.. And Taylor is to late to ask Demi get away from Joe before he break her heart.. Or maybe she still have a chance.. But what ever is it.. I don't care despite I love Demi Lovato..

Taylor Swift better write more song about Joe.. Joe really deserves it.. He not worth to any great girl.. But he maybe better with that annoying Miley Cyrus.. But wait.. She love his little brothers.. Nick Jonas who actually dating Selena Gomez despite they not admits it.. What ever it is I just back to hate Joe Jonas..

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