Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Taylor Swift with Matt Bouldin??

Taylor now in love?? Not much rumours about Taylor new boyfriend after she break with Lautner.. But early in February come rumours that she and Joe back togather.. But it absolutely not true at all.. They just friend after a big fight.. And Lautner to look like at last accept the fact that he and Taylor just a friend.. And the rumours that she with John Mayor is not true..

And now come a story that she fall in love again.. Now with Gonzaga basketball player Matt Bouldin.. She been rumours with that guy last year.. But that time she reportdly couple with her team mate in You Belong With Me official music video, Lucas Till..

Now she available.. And with the fact that Matt Bouldin was seen at Taylor Swift concert in Spokane, Washington.. The rumours about them getting stronger each day.. But so far no one ever see them date in public.. So this still a rumour that no one can confirm is it true or not..

Matt Bouldin just old 1 years old than Taylor Swift.. And Bouldin is the future star in basketball for guard position.. If it true that he date with Taylor, it will be a major boost to this star in making.. And Taylor will be in basketball WAG (Player Wives and Girlfriend)..

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