Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taylor Swift Throw Party

Taylor Swift throw a party last week to celebrate her success so far.. She invited everyone from big machine record and everyone how support she before she achieved this success.. She held it at her homeland Nashville (even she born in Wyomissing before move to Nashville when she 13 years old)..

Taylor knows as singer who never forget everyone how help she to achived what she have today (so far) say this to everyone who comes to her party.. "I just hope you know how happy you’ve made me.. I never expected I would get to stand up at awards shows as much as I have over the last year.."

I’m so happy I was allowed to make the album I made.. And, I’m proud of the people this happened to along with me.. This was not wasted on us.. We all appreciate it so much.. We’ve had a lot change for us.."

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