Friday, March 5, 2010

Taylor Swift band

Everyone maybe know that Taylor Swift have her own band for cover she in a concert or when she perform.. But I guess not everyone know each people on her band.. The most improtant thing you must know about them is, they are very important to Taylor and Taylor Swift absolutely love them..

Her band is absolutely hilarious just like Taylor Swift.. Them is just like a happy big family.. That what Taylor say to them.. Her band just like her other family.. So here I will introduce you each one in Taylor Swift band..

Amos Heller is Taylor Swift guitar bass player in the band.. He is really funny..

Taylor Swift lead guitarist in her band is Paul Sidoti.. Taylor always pranked Paul or something like that.. It so funny you know when Taylor pranked Paul.. And Paul is a cool guy.. Taylor also love he.. She give Paul a great present ever in his Birthday.. One phone call from Paul idol, Gene Simmons of Kiss..

This is what Taylor say about Paul Sidoti.. ""Everyone loves Paul.. He's one of my favorite people in the whole world. When we hired him, it was because he's an incredible guitar player.. But he also has these amazing bottom vocals.."

"He does those harmonies so perfectly every night. . . . He just attacks the whole thing with such excitement.. He loves music, and he loves what he does.." Sidoti is also "the most loyal person out there," she added..

Paul also back up his boss in a controversy in MTV Award were Kanye interupted Taylor speech.. "Our boss is one of the classiest, most dignified people I know," he said..

Grant Mickelson is another Taylor Swift guitarist in her band.. But he cannot sing not like Paul..

Taylor Swift drummer on her band is Al Wilson (the bald one).. Mike Meadows (last from left) is Taylor Swift banjo player in her band..

Taylor Swift fiddle player on her band is Caitlin Evanson.. She also a back up singer for Taylor Swift..

Taylor Swift back up singer on her band is Elizabeth Huett or Liz.. Taylor meet Liz in meet and greet line a few years ago..

Actually, Emily Poe is her first fiddle player when she established the band.. But Emily decide to leave the band before being replaced by Caitlin..

1 comment:

  1. I apologize for a late feed back... Just saw this one today...

    F.Y.I... The information you gave it wrong...
    Paul Sidoti is not Taylor's Lead Guitarist... It's Grant Mickelson...
    Grant Mickelson can sing... But not good as Paul... He used to sing for Taylor back then... And he has a nice voice... Although not as nice as Paul's... But still! He can sing...

    - Grant Mickelson is an awesome guy... He can sing and play the mandolin as well... And he is very very good at Playing the Guitars... He do most of the solo guitars in Taylor's Concerts...

    Like the Taylor said... He's the guy with a rockstar hair and rocking guitar skills...
    How can u hate someone as cute, handsome, cool and awesome guy like this?
