Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taylor Swift love Cory Monteith ??

Before she said that she and Cory Monteith just a friends.. But today one source that said him is a friends for Taylor say Taylor actually have a romantic feeling to Cory.. But she keeps it down because don't want her mom know..

She don't want her mom know because her mom/manager don't want her beloved daughter fall in love yet after everything she do to her career.. Her mom afraid a boy can ruin Taylor career.. That's why she keeps down her love life..

“Taylor is actually pretending not to be interested in Cory so her mother doesn’t scare him off!” a source told.. “The way her mom Andrea cuts through her potential boyfriends, Taylor’s figured out she better not have any serious mother-daughter conversations about her love life or the relationship will be doomed from the get-go.."

“Taylor really likes Cory, and she’s telling friends she sees ‘real romantic possibilities’ with him, but she’s keeping her lips zipped around Andrea,” a pal revealed..” Enjoy the music video of Taylor Swift song Stay Beautiful with the picture of Cory Monteith..

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